Visitor Management System
Softweb's Front Desk Assistant is an efficient visitor check-in and management system that can be customized for your company or organization. Imagine the resources saved by allowing the customer or contractor to use an automated system to announce the purpose of their visit. The host to the visit can be alerted directly, reducing stress, communication issues and time with office personnel. Valuable data will be collected from visitors including name, phone numbers, e-mail addresses.
Managers will be able to track the frequency of visitors, the purpose for their visits, wait times, complaints and more with our easy reporting system. Office staff can reduce customer confrontations with our visitor complaint filing system which will send the electronic complaint directly to the complaint or management office, allowing unsatisfied customers and situations to be dealt with efficiently with minimal personal contact.
Security and visitor tracking and customer confidentiality will be increased with our visitor badge system, increasing safety for employees and visitors while decreasing liability issues for the company. Our visitor badge system can be printed directly at the kiosk station or be monitored by office staff at the front desk to ensure security procedures.
Softweb's Front Desk Assistant offers additional add on features such as correspondence tracking and customized screens to suit your company's needs. Our staff will work directly with you to ensure that we create the best application for your environment and budget.
Context, Solution, Results

Traditionally speaking visitors have been using a sheet of paper to “check-in,” the so called visitor log-book. This process has several issues such as trying to decipher handwriting, lack of confidentiality, inefficiency, and minimal traceability.

The SWC automated visitor management system can accurately and quickly capture the guest's data, pictures, signatures, compare against security check list, print customized badges, pre-register, notify host, create custom reports and more.